Kifile Soboka (Pastor)
Family Ministries
Mission Statement
The mission of Family Ministries Department in West Ethiopia Union Mission of Seventh Day Adventist is to help its members realize that family was established by divine creation as the fundamental human institution. It is the primary setting in which values are learned and the capacity for meaningful relationships with God and with others is developed.
1.1 The Family Life department is responsible to minister to families in preparation for the next advent. Having this as a ground, the department head will have the following main duties.
1.1.1. Training and Support
i. Training Union and Attached Filed Family Ministries Directors for their work.
ii. Conduct seminars to the family life ministries directors and assist them to train the families in the field level.
iii. Helping to define and set the agenda for Family Ministries in WEUM.
iv. Laying strategies for the training of Field/Conference Family Ministries Directors.
v. Distribution of materials for the Annual Family Ministries program.
1.1.2. Resource Materials Development and Distribution
i. Develop materials for various areas of family life.
ii. Develop materials for single parents in the Church.
iii. Develop a series of Bible studies to draw lessons for modern families.
iv. Make available to the fields materials from the East Central Africa Division Family Ministries Department.
1.1.3. Family Enrichment Seminars
i. Conduct family enrichment seminars in all fields
ii. Educate, enrich, and strengthen family life and marriage relationships
iii. Strengthen the family as a disciplining center.
iv. Be involved in family life Seminars for Pastors.
v. Be involved in family life Seminars for local congregations in conjunction with the Field Family Life Ministries Directors.
vi. Equip Pastors in family life Seminar presentation.
vii. Lay strategies for empowering local congregations for family ministry.
viii. Teach congregations on how to use family ministry as an outreach opportunity.
ix. Strengthen relationships in the church as the wider family of God
x. Provide pre-marital guidance
xi. Provide parenting education
xii. Promote family evangelism
xiii. Encourage members to uphold African values that are in line with the word of God.
xiv. Strengthen ministries to single parents and widows
xv. Encouraged Family Worship & Individual Bible study using GC Initiative Revived by His Word.
The above objectives are achieved through seminars, retreats, provision of needed resources, family mentors recruitment, observing family togetherness and Christian home and marriage weeks, Praying for families and cooperating with youth and children ministries departments in providing camp meeting family life lesson