Adventist Mission Ministries

Bona Abraham (Pastor)

Adventist Mission Ministry Director

Philosophy and Mission

The Office of Adventist Mission oversees Global Mission and Mission Awareness. It is not a department but works with all departments. As the mission communication and church-planting wing of the world Church’s mission program, it is part of Secretariat at the Western Ethiopia Union Mission and assists all Church entities in their efforts to raise awareness of mission needs and to take the everlasting gospel to every people group and to each individual in the world.


1. Global Mission—To oversee and strengthen the Global Mission initiative by focusing attention on areas and people groups where there are no, or few, Seventh-day Adventists and starting new groups of believers among them.
2. Mission Awareness—To promote and share mission information through official Church and other communication channels to raise awareness of mission needs and increase the financial and personnel support for the Church’s worldwide mission outreach.

Global Mission

The Global Mission function of Adventist Mission aims to reach the unreached with hope.

Principal Objectives

1. To challenge church members with the need to reach all groups of peoples with the Seventh-day Adventist message.
2. To find every means possible to plant new groups of believers and establish a strong Seventh-day Adventist presence in all people groups where presently there is none.
3. To help the Church grow where it has limited presence

Planting New Groups

The Seventh-day Adventist Church began as a church-planting movement and it will continue to grow as it focuses on establishing new groups of believers in new areas. “Place after place is to be visited; church after church is to be raised,” writes Ellen G White. “Those who take their stand for the truth are to be organized into churches. . .”—Ev,353. Adventist Mission fosters and promotes this in a variety of ways, including church-planting conferences. These conferences cast the vision and provide resources for planting new groups of believers and for ministries that support this process.
Global Mission Pioneers-The Union is responsible for the oversight of the recruitment of the Global Mission pioneers to start new groups of believers in new areas. The union is also responsible for training pioneers, with guidance from the East Central Africa Division Adventist Mission.